The solidarity begins with your neighbour in Ham !

Covid-Solidarity connects volunteers and isolated people. The first does grocery shopping of basic needs for the second. In the end, it fosters a more solidary society and a simpler life for those who need help.

I want to help I need help
Join us in the movement and propose to help your neighbours by grocery shopping for their basic needs

Covid-Solidarity is here to help. It is free and run by citizens.

Save time, contact our team by phone.

02 808 96 54

100 volunteers are at your disposal via this standard telephone number.

Let’s spread solidarity, not the virus

Scientists and authorities agree: to contain the Covid-19 epidemic, it is essential to stay at home unless you must buy food and basic necessity products. But how to do this when you are alone and unable to move around easily...


Solidarity starts here.

There are three possibilities:

5 minutes is enough to help an isolated person !

  1. Share our phone number via WhatsApp
  2. Send an informative email to your friends and family.
  3. Join the 7,000 volunteers on our Facebook group.
  4. Contact your sports clubs, associations and other associative movements (boyscouts, club...).
  5. Print out the standard shopping list and place several copies in high-traffic areas, mailboxes, building lobbies, etc.

A local and sustainable solution
for self-help

A person living close to you does your essential shopping (food, parapharmacy, bakery, bookstore, pet food...)

Be a listening ear
Walk the dog
Water the plants

10 measures to be respected
by the person being helped and the volunteer

  1. Put on gloves and touch only the products you want to buy.
  2. Use a shopping cart to maintain the physical safety distance.
  3. Do the shooping alone.
  4. Maintain a safe distance of 3 metres from any other person, including the person being helped.
  5. Wash your hands (soap or hydro-alcoholic gel) before shopping and after touching the products, the receipt...
  6. Avoid contact with door handles, lift knobs, etc. If this is not possible, wash your hands immediately.
  7. Give priority to electronic payments.
  8. Sneeze and cough in the inside of your elbow.
  9. Keep a safe distance (5 metres) from people belonging to at-risk groups. Avoid contact as much as possible, even at a distance.
  10. No shopping to do ? Stay at home and limit your contact with other people as much as possible.

More details on

With the support of

Would you also like to help the population ?
Please contact us

Covid-Solidarity supports organisations

Are you in charge of an association or a CPAS ? Would you like to benefit from the services offered by our platform and our many volunteers ?
Please contact us


Our initiative is 100% voluntary and civic-minded

As entrepreneurs, students and creative people, we could not remain insensitive to the magnitude of the events. In a pragmatic way, we call upon collective intelligence to help the most isolated people.

Our movement is citizen and non-profit. It brings together many Belgian talents and aims to create a social link in a benevolent approach.

Do you want to help people who need it ?
Join our group of volunteers by contacting us here
